Friday Sep 13, 2019
Redditch Podcast: Listen to this week's top stories...
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
This week we chat to Clive Rickhards, former chairman Warwickshire County Council, who will be discussing the importance of neighbourhood plans and the Redditch Eastern Gateway (he sits on the steering committee).
Editor Ross Crawford also chats through this week's biggest local news stories including:
1) Tudor Grange Academy to consult on reverting to three tier, high school status.
2) There's too much hot air and not enough action on climate change say campaigners as they prepare for the next Youth Strike 4 Climate Change in Redditch.
3) Redditch charity Mission Morogoro is appealing for a football club to forge links with a team in Tanzania called Stand after they won a top tournament, also for fundraisers to raise money for football kit to send out to Africa.
All this and find out the best things to see and do this weekend in town.
Happy listening!
For this week’s news in full go to: www.redditchstandard.co.uk
To contact editor Ross Crawford please call 01527 588688 or email editor@redditchstandard.co.uk
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